SALMON AND SCALLOPS TATAKI WITH ARËNKHA SELECTION INGREDIENTS: salmon loin scallops Extra Virgin Olive Oil Mayonnaise Arenkha Selection PREPARATION: The scallops are removed from the shell, salted and left to rest for 15 minutes. Seal the salmon...
RED PRAWN CARPACCIO WITH MOLUGA If you are looking to surprise diners at your next banquet with a simple, delicious dish with an exceptional appearance, we recommend that you try preparing a red shrimp carpaccio...
SCREAMED EGGS WITH AVRUGA INGREDIENTS: 3/4kg of potatoes 1 onion 8 quail eggs 1 jar of Avruga 120g Extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon chopped fresh parsley Salt and pepper. PREPARATION: Cut the potatoes...
SALAD WITH SMOKED SALMON AND AVRUGA INGREDIENTS: 1 kg of potatoes 1 bag of lettuce 400g smoked salmon 200g cucumber mayonnaise to taste 1 jar of Avruga 55g PREPARATION: Lettuce leaves are put in a container...
PASTA WITH VODKA SAUCE AND SPHERIKA HERRING PEARLS INGREDIENTS: 400g of pasta 50g butter 100cl of liquid cream 1Cup of Vodka 1 jar of SPHERIKA herring pearls 55g Sugar cayenne powder Salt, pepper and nutmeg. PREPARATION: Heat the...
TUNA TARTAR WITH CREAM OF LOBSTER, AVOCADO AND HERRING PEARLS SPHERIKA INGREDIENTS: 400 g red tuna loin 1 jar of lobster cream 1 avocado 100 g diced spring onion 1 tablespoon capers 12 gherkins 1 teaspoon old-fashioned mustard 3 tablespoons of...
POACHED EGG WITH TUNA BROTH JELLY AND SPHERIKA HERRING PEARLS INGREDIENTS: 1 egg per person Fish gelatin (use manufacturer's instructions) Bonito or fish broth Salt Spherika herring pearls chives to decorate PREPARATION: Dissolve the gelatin in the tuna broth and...
MELON SOUP WITH HAM SHAVINGS, CRISPY POTATO AND HERRING PEARLS SPHERIKA INGREDIENTS: 2 small onions 1 melon 100g of finely sliced Iberian ham 250cc of liquid cream 3/4 liter of chicken broth 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil a small...
CAULIFLOWER CREAM WITH SPHERIKA HERRING PEARLS INGREDIENTS: 500g cauliflower 1l of chicken broth 1dl of liquid cream 1 jar of Spherika herring pearls 2 pinches of curry (mild or hot, to taste) Extra virgin olive oil...
FETUCCINE WITH AVRUGA, CREAM SAUCE AND EELS INGREDIENTS: 400g of spinach fettuccine 150cc of liquid cream A garlic clove Olive oil 1 jar Avruga 55g 100g baby eels 25g butter Nutmeg PREPARATION: Sauce: Melt the butter over...
BLACK RICE TIMBAL WITH TUNA TARTAR INGREDIENTS: 250g of white rice 1 piece of fresh red tuna 1 boiled egg 1 clove garlic 1 jar of cuttlefish ink SPHERIKA Extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper...
WARM BLACK PASTA SALAD INGREDIENTS: 1 bag of green sprouts ½ kilo of macaroni 1 package of eels 125g 1 jar 50g Cuttlefish ink SPHERIKA 1 garlic 1 chilli Extra virgin olive oil Salt...
COOKED POTATOES WITH ARËNKHA SELECTION INGREDIENTS: 8 garnish potatoes 20ml thick cooking cream 30g butter Ground pepper 145g of Arënkha Selection herring pearls PREPARATION: Cook the unpeeled potatoes in boiling water for about 15 minutes...
ARËNKHA SELECTION WITH LEMON JUICE INGREDIENTS: 1 can of Arenkha Selection Crushed ice 1 lemon PREPARATION: Arrange a bed of crushed ice in a nice bowl or caviar, ideally made of glass. Open the can...
BLACK HAMBURGER BREAD WITH SEPIA INK INGREDIENTS: The following components will be used to make 12 units of black hamburger bun: 125 g of lukewarm milk 188 g of lukewarm water 20 g cane sugar 8...
AREPAS OF PERICO WITH SPHERIKA LUMPO ROE Any lover of international gastronomy will not be able to resist the recipe that we bring from the other side of the ocean. We traveled to Venezuela to introduce you...
RAZOR CEVICHE WITH SPHERIKA TROUT ROE Do you want to prepare a delicious razor ceviche with trout roe from Spherika? Take out a pencil and paper and write down all the ingredients you will need and...
PANCAKES WITHOUT MILK WITH PASSION FRUIT PEARLS The famous and fluffy American pancakes are a dish that few people can resist. Over time, different variants of the original recipe have been developed, thus creating unique combinations. Today...