Fish roes are a food that stands out both for its unique flavor and for its nutritional properties. They are, without a doubt, the ideal complement to all meals, because thanks to our wide spectrum of products and flavors, you will always find one that combines perfectly with your culinary preparation.

As far as its nutritional value is concerned, it helps the proper functioning of our body, providing us with proteins, calcium and iron in optimal proportions for the weekly intake recommended by professionals. Likewise, its contribution in vitamins is surprising for all those it contains, being A, C, D, E and B12, in addition to favoring the correct development of the embryo and benefiting the skin tissue, neutralizing the free radicals responsible for the aging of the skin and may even have an immediate lifting effect depending on the concentration that they present.


But if there is one more nutrient that is present in fish roe, that is Omega 3. Its absence is associated with cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, depression, diabetes, lack of development in the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as inflammatory disorders, like Crohn's disease.

This is due to the high levels it provides of EPA and DHA, which are the acronyms for eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, respectively. Your daily dose should be between 500 and 1,000 milligrams. These acids contribute to the proper functioning of the heart, regulate blood pressure, contribute to cell regeneration (and therefore, to the functioning of the immune system) and improve sperm quality.

Delving into the specific benefits of DHA, it has been shown to improve reading performance and behavior in children with ADHD. This value is found in the brain by 30% and is directly related to memory and neuroprotection. It also promotes proper brain development in the fetus and infant, and helps protect the brain power of the elderly.


But omega 3, what is it for? Well, in addition to the aforementioned brain function, it also affects vision. Likewise, all omega 3 fatty acids reduce bad cholesterol or LDL and have an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the fact that they are polyunsaturated fats. This is, therefore, beneficial for the prevention of different diseases and for an adequate physical performance. In addition, due to its anticoagulant properties, it makes blood circulation much more fluid and thus prevents clots and thrombi from forming in the veins.

Another of the benefits of Omega 3 is, according to Professor Ángel Gil, to improve lung function and reduce asthma. Thus, its consumption improves the symptoms of those children who suffer from bronchial asthma and helps reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate allergic asthma. It is not the only disease that it helps to combat, as it also helps to prevent different types of cancer, specifically prostate, colon and breast cancer, according to the study carried out by Dr. Francisco G. Muriana, Scientist Head of the Institute of Fat (CSIC), in Seville.

As if that were not enough, among its properties it is worth highlighting its anti-inflammatory and autoimmune effects, which in addition to helping to treat diseases, it helps to slow down aging. Omega-3 fatty acids have effects on nutritional status, cognition, bone health, muscle tone, and general health. According to several studies, its intake in the appropriate proportions allows us to prolong the health and life expectancy of the human being between 2 and 6 years.

Some of the best options to consume fish with Omega 3 are: salmon, sardines, Atlantic mackerel, cod, herring, lake trout and canned tuna in water. Therefore, our salmon roe is the one with the greatest nutritional value, and with its consumption we will avoid having to implement its intake through prescribed supplements in our routine.

In addition, its consumption is recommended for pregnant women and children. We remind you here that our salmon roe can be eaten by the youngest members of the household from 9 months of age thanks to its soft texture and its fine membrane, which will easily explode in their mouths to fill it with flavour.

In short, our fish roe is a great ally for your health and for all the members of your household, thanks to all its nutritional values, but specifically because of the Omega 3, which has such a positive impact on both the proper functioning of the organism as well as in the prevention of future illnesses.