Throughout the articles in this blog, there are several approaches with which we have approached the fish roe and the spherifications present on our website. From its properties and benefits to its history, going through some of the recipes in which our product floods the dish with flavor.
We have also detailed what is, in our opinion, the ideal guide to know which fish roe to buy, where we discover how flexible they can be when it comes to eating them, superb in more than a hundred recipes, and capable of also to enrich a simple toast... They are even perfect to taste them alone, with no other accompaniment than a spoon!
In the following paragraphs we will teach you how to refrigerate and maintain the ideal temperature in your natural fish roe, fish spheres, flavor spheres, and even cuttlefish ink.
The criteria of temperature and consumption, although very similar, must be clarified to guarantee the optimal conservation of our products. Of course, all these specifications are detailed on the packaging itself, but it is worth emphasizing their differences.
First of all, natural fish roe must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2 ᵒC and 7 ᵒC. They should be consumed within 4 days of opening.
Fish pearls have more time to be consumed, up to 15 days after opening the product. Its storage temperature is more flexible as it is between 2 ᵒC and 10 ᵒC.
With the flavored spheres, the criteria changes a bit. They must be kept at a temperature between 2 ᵒC and 6 ᵒC, and they can be consumed during the next 7 days after opening.
Finally, the cuttlefish ink must be consumed during the 10 days following its opening, and it must be kept between 0 ᵒC and 4 ᵒC.
If there is a common advice for all our spheres, it is the importance of keeping them in their own packaging. Under no circumstances should they be transferred to another, since the spherifications could break, spilling the contents inside.
We do not advise it. This is a question that we receive relatively frequently due to the association of ideas that is usually made, which comes to relate the freezing of any product with a greater endurance over time.
Our products are delicate, and freezing them would cause them to lose their characteristic round shape. The same would happen when keeping them in any other place that was not the refrigerator. Refrigerating our products is essential so that they maintain their round shape, their vivid color and their texture.
More than 20 years of experience endorse us and have allowed us to pour an unprecedented flavor into all our creations, perfecting it throughout our history.
The care for our Spherika products continues until they are distributed, where they are kept at the aforementioned temperatures, so that they reach your table maintaining all their flavor and freshness.
Do not break the chain and follow our refrigeration and consumption recommendations to enjoy them in their maximum splendor.